Harold Percival Diedrich

BIRTH JUN 1895  Marrickville, New South Wales, Australia

DEATH 25 APR 1915  Gallipolli

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Harold Percival Diedrich enlisted on the 17th of August 1914 at the age of 21. He embarked aboard the Transport A20 Hororata on the 19th of October 1914 bound for Galipoli as Private Harold Percival Diedrich of the 6th Battalion, E Company AWM Embarkation. He was killed in action upon their arrival in Galipoli on the 25th of April, 1915.

Rank on enlistment:Private Unit name: 6th Battalion, E Company AWM Embarkation Other details War service: Egypt, Gallipoli Medals: 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal https://recordsearch.naa.gov.au/SearchNRetrieve/Interface/DetailsReports/ItemDetail.aspx?Barcode=3506735&isAv=N https://www.awm.gov.au/collection/P10329098